Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Awesome book syndrome

I apologize for not writing a review or anything for so long.  The problem is that after finishing A Dance With Dragons, which was so extremely well written (not that the book was perfect, I just loved the writing), everything else has paled in comparison.  It all feels so amateur and kind of silly. 

I read Nyphron Rising by Michael J. Sullivan, which is the third book in a series I had been quite enjoying, and I almost gave up on it.  It felt like it had been written by a child.  Now, that's not to say it wasn't a good book.  The style was just so different, and I didn't feel that it was on the same level as Martin's writing.  I had a hard time of it directly on the heels of Dance.

Then I tried The Eternal Sea by Angie Frazier, which I did review here, and as you can see (if you read the review), I didn't feel like the writing was up to par.

Following that I moved on to Scott Pilgrim Gets it Together, which I actually really liked.  But it was a graphic novel, and can't even be compared with regular novels, and so maybe what I'm left with is books with pictures?

And then, I picked up Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde, and I was mostly liking it until I got over halfway through and realized only a day in the story had passed, and realized how tedious the whole thing felt.  I also realized I didn't care at all what happened.  So I skimmed to the end.

Which brings me to now.  I'm working on Poison Study by Maria Snyder for a book club.  It's okay, but I'm not wowed at all.  I'm just wondering how long it'll be until I pick up another book and think it's excellent.  Maybe I just need some amazing suggestions. 


  1. Definitely the downside of reading an amazing book is trying to find something that compares well afterwards.

    Good luck in your search for the next great read.

  2. I hear that. These days I am very careful what to pick up after a particularly awesome book...and in fact I usually find myself in a rut after which no book can immediately fill. That said, I have a standing rule that any book I DO try to start in said post-awesome void I just put back into the To-Read pile since it's not fair to follow on the awesome.

    But I hear you, it's so tough!
