Monday, September 29, 2014

Book Review: Zomburbia

ZomburbiaZomburbia by Adam Gallardo
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Publication Date: August 2014
Source: Netgalley review copy

My name is Courtney Hart, and I'm here to tell you about things that suck. Being born in a podunk town like Salem, Oregon, for one. Living in a world infested with zombies? That, too. And the meat heads I go to school with? I think I'd actually take the undead over them most days. But I have a plan to get out of here and move to New York. I just have to keep selling Vitamin Z along with your fries at The Bully Burger. The secret ingredient? Zombie brains.

I've noticed things are getting even worse lately, if that's even possible. The zombies seem to be getting smarter and faster. If I can avoid being arrested, eaten by shufflers, or catching the eye of some stupid boy, I should be able to make it through finals week still breathing. . .

There was really nothing particularly special or memorable about this book. It's supposedly a different take on the zombie novel, but I didn't find anything all that different about it. I guess people are supposedly going on with life as usual, but they still have to fight and try to avoid zombies.

The main character is extremely unlikable. She's rude to everyone, including her father (her only family) and her friends. She's hypocritical; at one point thinking badly of one of her peers for buying a bunch of alcohol to serve to underage teens at a party, but then proceeding to drink said alcohol.

There were a couple of excitingish things that happened during the story, but for the most part it was just dull. I kept waiting for the point of the story, and didn't feel like it ever got there. Then realized at the end that this is part of a series, and I have absolutely no intention of continuing on. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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