Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trailer Tuesday: The Avengers

I'm crazy excited for The Avengers.  It's no secret that I love pretty much everything Marvel, and the superhero comics in particular.  Also, directed by Joss Whedon, which is just a win in itself.  It should be excellent.

Are you looking to brush up on some graphic novel reading before the movie comes out?  Here are two series starters that I enjoyed:

The Avengers, Vol. 1

New Avengers: Breakout

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I think I just fell in love. I knew this was coming, but I didn't know the trailer was out or that it was coming in May! *squee* I'm so excited it's not even funny! The Avengers! And seriously, Thor YUM. Robert Downy Jr., Mark Ruffalo, this is indeed going to be an epic win!
