Title: Asking for Trouble
Author: Sandra Byrd
Genre: Young Adult Christian Fiction
Page Count: 261
Why I read it: I received a review copy from the author
Grade: A
When her family moves to London, 15-year-old Savvy Smith has to make her way in a new school and a new country. She just knows the school newspaper is the right place for her, but she doesn't have the required experience, and the cute editor-in-chief is not looking to train anyone. She has to come up with a way to prove herself and nab the one available position on the newspaper staff at Wexburg Academy.
London Confidential is a new series where British fashion, friendships, and guys collide, and where an all-American girl learns to love life and live out her faith.
Kaitlyn's review:
I think this book was really interesting. The story was well thought out and very good. I liked how the author described things, and I ended up learning a lot about London from this book. I think in a way, everybody can easily relate to the story somehow.
I think the characters were very believable. I think most teens can relate to at least one of the characters somehow. I think that the characters were well described and I could easily tell what they looked, acted, and thought like. I liked how the characters turned out very good. I had a hard time putting this book down I was always wondering what was going to happen.
This is a great book and I would suggest it to all of my Christian Friends. I think the writing might be a little young for adults, and it would be easier for teens to relate to. Although, maybe I don't know because I have never been an adult.
sounds cute, I'll have to give it a try!