Monday, December 7, 2009


Title: Skinned
Author: Robin Wasserman
Genre: YA Science fiction
Got it from: Library
Why I read it: Looked good
Grade: C+

Lia Kahn was perfect: rich, beautiful, popular. Until the accident that nearly killed her.
Now she has been downloaded into a new body that only looks human. Lia will never feel pain again, she will never age, and she can't ever truly die.

My review:
I really liked the idea of this book.  It wasn't really like anything I've read before.  It was interesting enough that I wanted to keep reading to find out what happened.  I think the biggest problem I  had was the lack of likeable characters, and that it was just so darn depressing.  Depressing is not really what I'm going for at this time of year.

I also had a hard time understanding the motivations behind some of the characters' actions.  It just didn't ring true, or even make sense some of the time.  And when I got to the end, I was thinking, "That's it?"  I realize this is the start of a trilogy, but I wanted more from it.  From the whole book, in fact.  I will continue on in the series, because I'm curious to see where it goes.  I would reservedly recommend this one, to fans of YA science fiction or futuristic novels.

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